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Monday 26 March 2012

The Hogman saga continues ... Still haven't got my piglets despite a solicitor's letter to him plus two follow-up e-mails in response to Hogman replies. He is acting now as though he is the injured party - poor old Hoggie. Fancy having to actually pay a debt without putting absurd conditions upon it! He's claiming his reputation is being ruined with businesses and locals.

Hoggie's also now saying that the boar stud service was a failure. This is despite him saying in a long phone conversation I had with him on or around 1 March that "the piglets are yours, but you have to do some things first".... then went on to say I had to apologise to him and get an RSPCA check. Therefore, he's explicity admitted that he has piglets and owes me two.

While all this is causing a great deal of stress, we did have a giggle about it at the weekend. We were passing the turn-off to his road and Bronte said "have you got a texter, we could find his mailbox and write 'The Horrible Hogman' on it?" Luckily sanity prevailed.